In the later stages of 2017, KDM Constructors was provided the opportunity by Kawacatoose First Nation to perform the General Contractor function for the renovations to Quinton School. The client wished to convert the school into a training facility for members of their community, and those in the surrounding area. The building had sat vacant for a number of years, and required extensive renovations and repair to ensure that it was safe and up to code.
The project scope for KDM Constructors included roof repair, mold removal, asbestos abatement, structural repairs, window replacement, plumbing and mechanical, electrical, and interior finishing works. As is always our goal, we were able to engage local First Nations workers on the project. Some of the local workforce who assisted with the renovations had attended school at Quinton in the past and will receive training at the facility in the future.. The first phase of the project has been completed without any safety incidents, while coming in under budget and on-schedule. The renovations to Phase 2 of Quinton School are continuing in 2021.